Post Images

[post_images ids=”190, 192, 193″ width=”770″ height=”500″ crop=”yes” lightbox=”yes”] [br top=”60″]


[opt title=”ids:” desc=”The image ID’s to pull posts from. Can be entered as a comma separated list.”]default: ”
Value: ‘1,2,3’[/opt] [opt title=”width:” desc=”The image width.”]default: ”
options: integer[/opt] [opt title=”height:” desc=”The image height.”]default: ”
options: integer[/opt] [opt title=”crop:” desc=”(Optional) Crop the image or not.”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt] [opt title=”lightbox:” desc=”(Optional) Show the image with lightbox or not.”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt] [br top=”60″]


[pre][post_images ids=”190, 192, 193″ width=”770″ height=”500″ crop=”yes” lightbox=”yes”][/pre]