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  • 5 Websites
  • 1 Dedicated IP
  • 3000 MB Disk Space
  • 45 GB Monthly Bandwidth
  • Unlimited POP3 Accounts
  • Unlimited Web Mail
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
[/price_table] [/column] [column col=”1/4″] [price_table title=”Standard” currency=”$” price=”39″ sub_price=”99″ time=”per month” active=”yes” button=”Purchase” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/ThemeWoot/portfolio?ref=ThemeWoot”]
  • 10 Websites
  • 2 Dedicated IP
  • 6000 MB Disk Space
  • 90 GB Monthly Bandwidth
  • Unlimited POP3 Accounts
  • Unlimited Web Mail
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
[/price_table] [/column] [column col=”1/4″] [price_table title=”Advanced” currency=”$” price=”59″ sub_price=”99″ time=”per month” button=”Purchase” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/ThemeWoot/portfolio?ref=ThemeWoot”]
  • 15 Websites
  • 5 Dedicated IP
  • 9000 MB Disk Space
  • 120 GB Monthly Bandwidth
  • Unlimited POP3 Accounts
  • Unlimited Web Mail
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
[/price_table] [/column] [column col=”1/4″] [price_table title=”Super” currency=”$” price=”79″ sub_price=”99″ time=”per month” button=”Purchase” button_link=”http://themeforest.net/user/ThemeWoot/portfolio?ref=ThemeWoot”]
  • 30 Websites
  • 10 Dedicated IP
  • 12000 MB Disk Space
  • 240 GB Monthly Bandwidth
  • Unlimited POP3 Accounts
  • Unlimited Web Mail
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
[/price_table] [/column] [/columns] [br top=”80″]

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