Blog Grid

[blog_grid tax=”cat” counts=”8″]
[br top=”60″]


[opt title=”tax:” desc=”The taxonomy for the posts.”]default: ‘cat’
options: ‘cat’, ‘tag'[/opt]
[opt title=”columns:” desc=” (Optional) The number of columns.”]default: [red]’4′[/red]
options: ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’[/opt]
[opt title=”counts:” desc=” (Optional) The number of posts to display on each page.”]default: [red]’12′[/red]
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”cats:” desc=”(Optional) The category ID’s to pull posts from. Can be entered as a comma separated list.”]default: ”
Value: ‘1,2,3’[/opt]
[opt title=”posts:” desc=”(Optional) The post ID’s to pull posts from. Can be entered as a comma separated list.”]default: ”
Value: ‘1,2,3’[/opt]
[opt title=”order:” desc=”(Optional) Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘orderby’ parameter.”]default: ‘DESC’
options: ‘ASC’, ‘DESC'[/opt]
[opt title=”orderby:” desc=”(Optional) Sort retrieved posts by parameter.”]default: ‘date’
options: ‘ID’, ‘title’, ‘name’, ‘date’, ‘rand’, ‘comment_count’, ‘menu_order'[/opt]
[opt title=”filter:” desc=”(Optional) Show the sort menu.”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt]
[opt title=”paging:” desc=”(Optional) Show the paging.”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt]

[br top=”60″]


[pre][blog_grid tax=”cat” columns=”4″ counts=”12″ cats=”” posts=”” order=”DESC” orderby=”date” filter=”yes” paging=”yes”][/pre]

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